The hypocrisy is strong with this one. Anyway, just gonna leave this here for ya. Not that you’ll read it. Just that Bernie Sanders isn’t perfect and at heart is a true politician. Point to his record and show what he’s accomplished in 30 years? Okay. Well, here’s some financial news that might make you blush:
The lobbyists who love Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Took Money From the Fossil Fuel Lobby, Too — Just Not Much
Bernie Sanders Took Money From Big Lobbying Groups, Returned Corporate PAC Donations
Sun Sentinel: “In the one 1990 congressional race in which gun control appeared to be a decisive issue, Bernie Sanders unseated former Rep. Peter Smith, R-Vt., a gun- control supporter whom the NRA had squarely in its sights. Sanders, the only avowed socialist in Congress, voted against the Brady Bill. The NRA`s political action committee pumped nearly $1 million into 1990 congressional races, including the Sanders-Smith race.”