Five Ways Trump Failed to Impress African-Americans During the First Presidential Debate
No shock here but Donald Trump is terrible when it comes to talking to and about African Americans. Quick aside: Ever notice how Trump addresses predominantly white audiences during said outreach? I can’t quite put my finger on it buttttt maybe it’s got something to do with this or this or this or this? (Honestly, I could go on like this for ages, so I’ll just stop now).
If anyone in the African American community expected a new Donald Trump in the first presidential debate, he didn’t show up. Here are the ways he failed to impress black people and communities during his loss in last night’s contest:
One: He Thinks We’re All “Living in Hell”
Gonna go out on a limb here and rate this claim, false. I can’t speak for everyone, but personally I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn — surrounded by lovely families, trees and coffee shops…so many coffee shops. No sign of satan though.
Two: He Doesn’t Know How To Bridge The Race Problem/Cops Killing Black People
Trump’s response to bridging the racial divide in America was, “law and order” which if you’re keeping score at home, isn’t a solution or plan. They’re just words…words he likes to repeat often. Meanwhile, Hillary actually discussed systemic racism, implicit bias, police reform and gun violence which are all part of the problem she offered solutions to.
Three: Trump Failed to Apologize for Starting and Continuing to Push the Birther Issue
Earlier this month, Trump held a press conference to “put the birther issue to bed.” Then, he said he only held said press conference to “get on with the campaign.” Hmm, seems genuine, yeah? No. On Monday night, with millions of viewers dialed in, Trump had a real opportunity to apologize and actually put the issue behind him. Instead, he stepped in it and made it worse when Holt asked how he would address people of color. “I say nothing,” Trump answered. Word? He basically reinforced what we all know to be true: Trump doesn’t think repeatedly questioning the legitimacy of the first African American president’s birthplace was racist…except it is.
Four: Trump thinks Stop-and-Frisk worked wonders in NYC and wants it nationally
One problem there… it didn’t and it largely impacted African-Americans. In 2013 a federal court issued an order preventing stop-and-frisk because it had become a “policy of indirect racial profiling.” Just something to think on.
Five: Trump tried to downplay his lawsuit on housing discrimination
Trump said, “we settled the suit with zero — no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do. But they sued many people.” Again, one problem there — aside from the obvious fact that it’s just dreadful in general —Trump’s lawsuit “was, and still is, one of the biggest lawsuits ever brought by the Justice Department for housing discrimination against black people.” Oh. Okay.
So yes, that’s a hard pass on voting for Donald Trump from me. He’s not the candidate who will improve this country — for anyone — let alone for African Americans. Last night proved he’s not just out of touch on the issues that affect our communities, he’s out of it, period. Big league.
P.S. It’s National Voter Registration Day. Make sure you’re registered NOW!